Sunday, December 26, 2010

Some links on UC and carageenan

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Carrageenan and ulcerative colitis

I learned that Carrageenan is in EVERYTHING, practically.

This is an important finding because scientists use carrageenan to induce UC in lab mice. (sad, i know) But this finding has been helping me tremendously. I started drinking almond milk a couple of years ago, thinking that it was a good alternative to dairy. Almond milk has carrageenan in it, along with the other non dairy beverages such as soy. It is also in many Dairy items, and even toothpaste! FYI: Rice milk appears to be free of carrageenan. I started keeping the infamous food diary, and realized that this was one thing I seemed to consume on a regular basis. I had never kept a food diary before because I thought I could remember everything I ate and what happened after that. NOT the case. A diary is nice because you can look back as far as you need to see a pattern. VERY helpful for me. I have been suffering for years and was SICK and TIRED of it. I was not going to take the medication the doctor wanted me to, and just cover up the symptoms for a while and cause other health problems on top of that. I was searching one day and came across the carrageenan in lab mice thing, and felt this wave of relief, hoping I had hit it finally.

So with that being said it is day 10 with absolutely no almond milk or products with carrageenan in it, and I am feeling much better already. I am not having the urgency as bad as it was, and the blood, cramps, and mucus have discipated quite a bit. I also found that wild oregano oil is an excellent anti inflammatory along with cod liver oil. (high quality is important)  Check out

She has given me some good advice as well. But the carrageenan is the KEY i believe.

If you happen to try this out and you have IBS, UC, Chron's, let me know. I'm very interested in this finding.

Happy digesting!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I officially have "ulcerative colitis"

Well, after my fun filled night of PEG solution shots chased by honey, and explosive pooping every hour I officially have UC. Yeppers...

So now what?  Well, I am going to try my hardest to heal it myself. Because I do not take medications. I really rely more on natural means of healing. I have been reading Dr. Ben Kim's website and Dr. D'Adamo's website and book. I think they both have really great learning tools to heal yourself for any condition really. If you are suffering with a disease of some sort that you cannot get rid of conventionally, I highly recommend checking out...


So today I came home and ate a banana and a Nutiva hemp shake smoothie with blueberries. Wouldn't you know it all came out exactly as it went in. So wasteful!  Later on I ate some stew that was in the slow cooker. It was local grass fed beef with celery, onions and carrots in organic beef broth. Very simple but delicious. This didn't come out as fast but did come out non the less. I ordered the "type o" supplements from Dr. D's website that was suggested. So we shall see if that gets me anywhere, or if it is just a money making scam. I surely hope it helps me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Adventures of a 27 year old with bowel problems, and a colonoscopy

Tomorrow morning bright and early I will have a roto rooter shoved in my colon for the second time. Two days with no food and my menstrual cycle. What kind of shit is that? I'm pretty sure that is a sin in the bible, telling a woman with her period she is not allowed to eat for two days.

It started with bloody stools, cramping so bad I was pretty sure I would be found on the bathroom floor with my pants around my ankles, mucus...oh the lovely amounts of mucus, pain of every sort in every location in the abdominal region and gas that would wake the neighbors. I still cannot find a rhyme or reason to it.

I was vegan for 2 years and my symptoms got worse. I even went "raw" to try to heal my colon and I felt like I had been beaten with a snow shovel. I would have moments of fatigue so bad, I thought I would drop over instantly. So, I said the hell with this, and started eating meat again. I feel much more energetic now. Which is good. I can run to the BR faster than ever when I have mucus shooting out of my asshole at the speed of light. Yay.

I also found the blood type diet in my search of desperation. I am a type O+, the hunter. Dr. D'Adamo says that these people should eat lean red meats, and avoid wheat and dairy products to function effectively. You can find more information here:

This diet actually is quite convincing. Dr. D'Adamo states that markers in the blood can tell what types of food you tolerate well, and what types of foods you are allergic to.

So I started eating meat again, and actually feel quite well, besides my damn colon problems.

I am an active person who loves the outdoors, mtn. biking, camping, hiking, running....try camping when you fart and mucus shoots out un benounced to me, and you have to shuffle to the nearest out house. That's a good time.