Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I officially have "ulcerative colitis"

Well, after my fun filled night of PEG solution shots chased by honey, and explosive pooping every hour I officially have UC. Yeppers...

So now what?  Well, I am going to try my hardest to heal it myself. Because I do not take medications. I really rely more on natural means of healing. I have been reading Dr. Ben Kim's website and Dr. D'Adamo's website and book. I think they both have really great learning tools to heal yourself for any condition really. If you are suffering with a disease of some sort that you cannot get rid of conventionally, I highly recommend checking out...


So today I came home and ate a banana and a Nutiva hemp shake smoothie with blueberries. Wouldn't you know it all came out exactly as it went in. So wasteful!  Later on I ate some stew that was in the slow cooker. It was local grass fed beef with celery, onions and carrots in organic beef broth. Very simple but delicious. This didn't come out as fast but did come out non the less. I ordered the "type o" supplements from Dr. D's website that was suggested. So we shall see if that gets me anywhere, or if it is just a money making scam. I surely hope it helps me.

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